Contact us

Supercomputing Systems AG, Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zurich
Tel +41 43 456 16 00

Tamara Rappold

We look forward to hearing from you.

    Where you can find us

    SCS is located in Technopark Zurich, Edison/Pauli wing, 5th floor on the left. There is an information desk for questions at the main entrance.

    Approach public

    • SBB timetable to the SCS
    • Tram 4 from Zurich main station (Sihlquai or Bahnhofquai) direction Bahnhof Altstetten to Technopark (10 min. journey time)
    • Various S-Bahn trains from Zurich main station (platform 41/42 in Sous-sol) to Hardbrücke station (2 min. journey time), 5 min. walk to Technopark.

    Approach private

    • Motorway exit Zurich (A1), Pfingstweidstrasse, turn into Technoparkstrasse into the underground car park
    • We will be happy to reserve a visitor car park for you.
    • Route planner