Strategies of nature

Monday, October 19, 2020

Dr Erwin Thoma, founder of the timber construction company Thoma, is an internationally recognised expert in sustainable timber construction. In this presentation, he shows what we can learn from the 'system of nature' for our economic activities and our lives. He also talks about his own development path and explains how extremely durable and energy self-sufficient timber houses can be built using professionally harvested timber.


  • Dr Erwin Thoma

    Dr Erwin Thoma

    born in 1962 and grew up in Bruck am Grossglockner (Austria), is a forestry and business economist, entrepreneur and author. He loves nature and decided early on to become a forester. In conversations with violin makers, lumberjacks and carpenters, he gathered a lot of old wood knowledge, which he also uses in his timber construction company to build houses made of 100 per cent wood (international patent: Holz100 construction system).


SCS food for thought: Strategies of nature with engineer Dr Erwin Thoma Despite the difficult circumstances, the SCS thought-provoking event was held in the auditorium of Technopark Zurich in compliance with the current federal guidelines. The large audience listened attentively to Erwin Thoma's impressive presentation. It became clear how much we can learn from nature and its "behaviours", both for everyday business and our personal lives.