Swisseldex Datahub

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

"The central data hub for switching processes and energy data from Swisseldex AG enables standardised and protected data exchange in the liberalised electricity market. The system was jointly launched as an industry initiative by several large grid operators."

The central data hub for switching processes and energy data from Swisseldex AG enables the standardised and protected exchange of data in the liberalised electricity market. The system was jointly launched as an industry initiative by several large grid operators.

The Datahub is open to all energy suppliers and, due to its design, also takes into account the needs of smaller organisations. As a non-profit initiative, the Datahub serves as a showcase model for how an industry can organise itself and jointly exploit synergies – cost-efficiently, non-discriminatory and neutrally.
As technology partner, SCS AG is responsible for the development, operation and support of the Datahub.

Maurus Bachmann, Managing Director of Swisseldex AG, and Stephan Moser, SCS AG, will give a co-presentation on how the system works, explain the business and participation model and highlight selected technical aspects of the Datahub. The focus will be on the topics of openness and standardisation, IT security, data protection and availability, which are particularly relevant for the industry.

Following the presentation, all participants are cordially invited to an aperitif with freshly brewed beer. The event will also be broadcast online.

The data hub enables efficient and secure communication between the market partners.
The data hub enables efficient and secure communication between the market partners.


  • Maurus Bachmann

    Maurus Bachmann

  • Stephan Moser

    Stephan Moser

    Supercomputing Systems


SCS TechEvent: Swisseldex Datahub The industry platform for efficient and secure data exchange in the electricity market