Women entrepreneurs shake up classic industries – Building a career you love

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Get Together - Women in Engineering: Women are still underrepresented in the engineering fields. One way to counteract this is to increase their visibility. On this evening, SCS is opening its stage to women. By inviting a female role model as a keynote speaker, you will have the opportunity to be inspired and encouraged. The aim is to create a protected setting where you can exchange thoughts and experiences and share your fascination. This is why we strongly encourage to attend the event in-person. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to discuss ideas and connect with like-minded people at the aperitif afterwards. SCS is very pleased to have gained an exciting speaker whose career path is out of the ordinary. All are welcome.


  • Linda Grieder

    Linda Grieder

    Linda Grieder is a lawyer by training and entrepreneur by heart. She founded RethinkResource in 2016, a fast-growing clean-tech start-up in Switzerland. RethinkResource is an agency for upcycling innovation and additionally offers one of the first cross-industry marketplaces for industrial waste- and side-streams. Secondary materials and circular economy thus build her main area of interest and expertise.

    Before becoming an entrepreneur, Linda specialised in IP law and was mainly concerned with the impact of changes in society on law. Linda will talk about her journey of becoming an entrepreneur, what RethinkResource does and what her challenges and hurdles were as a young woman entering the business world.