Merry Christmas!

Dear customers, dear friends, dear acquaintances

As last year, instead of giving Christmas presents, we are supporting a charitable organisation chosen by our employees with a donation. This year, SCS employees have even decided in favour of two projects: one for schoolchildren in Nepal and one for the relatives of children with cancer in Switzerland.

The association ARFEC – Association Romande des Familles d’Enfants atteints d’un Cancer – supports and accompanies families of children with cancer. Treatment often takes a very long time and affects the whole family. The support begins with financial assistance for accommodation, meals or parking fees while the parents look after their children in hospital. Just as important is the psychological support provided by volunteer members of the organisation, most of whom have also had children with cancer and are now passing on their experiences – both during and after the children’s treatment in hospital.

Children from Valais, for example, have to go to Lausanne University Hospital, and children from other cantons in French-speaking Switzerland are also treated at the university hospitals in Lausanne and Geneva. The association offers parents accommodation on site as well as a weekly café-croissant in the hospital so that parents of sick children can socialise. Camps are organised for the children so that they can share moments of joy – and the parents can take a deep breath at the same time.

You can find more information about the Arfec association at, on Facebook or Instagram. If you would also like to support the relatives of children with cancer, you can do so via the bank account IBAN CH40 0900 0000 1002 2952 6.

Conscience Primary School in Nepal

The second project supported by SCS and its employees is the Conscience Primary School in Nepal. The school, 15 kilometres north-east of Kathmandu, was founded in 2013 and gives children from less privileged families in remote mountain villages the opportunity to receive a good education.

Currently, 32 children attend primary school and 70 young people attend high school. The donations not only pay the teachers’ salaries, but also the school materials, food for the children and the upkeep of the school. The entire primary school with 32 children costs about the same per year as a single schoolchild in Switzerland.

Further information on the Conscience Primary School in Nepal can be found at If you would also like to support the school children in Nepal, you can do so via the bank account IBAN CH20 0076 1649 1151 7200 1.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful end to the year! During this festive period, we would like to thank you for your trust, the inspiring collaboration and the joint projects we have been able to realise with you this year.

With festive greetings,
Your SCS