Retrofits – fit for the future

Embedded software Environment Hardware

A retrofit is the modernisation of a system by retrofitting subcomponents. This allows costs to be saved in an environmentally friendly way. SCS has already carried out a number of retrofits, especially for ticket vending machines, and has been honoured with a Solar Impuls Award for this.

  • Situation

    In electronic devices, from ticket machines to signal boxes, obsolete components have to be replaced regularly with new ones. Even if this drives economic output, it destroys a lot of national wealth and resources.

  • SCS solution

    Instead of buying a whole new system every time, SCS suggests replacing only the necessary internal components. By integrating a new, open software solution, the majority of the hardware components can be retained (retrofit). It is also possible to add new functionalities.

  • Benefit

    The main advantage of such a retrofit is the lower cost compared to purchasing a new system as a whole. Further advantages are the ecological and economic aspects. Systems can be made fit for the future using simple methods.

Project insights

Supercomputing Systems AG has been observing the sub-optimal utilisation of resources in industry for some time now. In the case of electronic devices, from simple cooling units to locomotives, entire new systems regularly have to be procured due to individual outdated components.

In 2009, SCS implemented its first project to counter such partial obsolescence with a retrofit. Thanks to our modernised IT solution, it was no longer necessary to purchase a new complete solution. For public transport in the canton of Zug, it was decided to implement a retrofit instead of buying new ticket vending machines. This pioneering project at the time paved the way for numerous other projects, which a group of experts at SCS specialised in.

In the standard procedure, the system is completely rebuilt. All (partial) components have to be manufactured from scratch. As part of a retrofit, only those components that are no longer usable or require too much energy, for example, need to be replaced
In the standard procedure, the system is completely rebuilt. All (partial) components have to be manufactured from scratch. As part of a retrofit, only those components that are no longer usable or require too much energy, for example, need to be replaced


Coupled with the opening of the system and its interfaces for the owner and user, this has resulted in a disruptive business model. The original business model of vending machine suppliers with vendor lock-in has been replaced by a customer-orientated model. Access to the source code guarantees investment protection. In addition, further developments can be planned based on requirements and implemented more cost-effectively. This is possible for traffic light systems, lockers, airport infrastructure, railway technology and other industrial systems, for example. All of these infrastructure areas can benefit from retrofits and thus be made fit for the future with minimal investment. SCS is endeavouring to modernise further systems.

Previous implementations in Switzerland: SCS has carried out several retrofits in Switzerland: at tpg (Transport Publics Genevois) in Geneva, at vbl (Verkehrsbetriebe Luzern) in Lucerne and at ZVB (Zugerlandverkehrsbetriebe) in Zug.
Previous implementations in Switzerland: SCS has carried out several retrofits in Switzerland: at tpg (Transport Publics Genevois) in Geneva, at vbl (Verkehrsbetriebe Luzern) in Lucerne and at ZVB (Zugerlandverkehrsbetriebe) in Zug.

Prices / Labels

SCS has received the following awards or labels for these projects:
2018: Swiss Dinno Award(
2020: Solar Impulse Efficient Solutions Label(Solar Impulse)

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