SDAT data hub for the Swiss electricity sector

High Level Software

The data hub simplifies and standardises market communication. SCS develops and operates the SDAT data hub for Swisseldex AG, an association of various industry players.

  • Problem definition

    Switching processes and the transmission of metering data are costly bilateral processes between various industry players in the liberalised electricity market

  • SCS solution

    A central data hub based on the industry standard SDAT standardises and automates changeover processes and measurement data routing, which increases efficiency and reduces costs.

  • Added value

    Customised development has resulted in a highly available data hub with the highest data protection and IT security standards. The platform can be flexibly expanded and is prepared for future data hub applications. SCS offers development and operation from a single source.

Project insights

The Swisseldex Datahub is developed by SCS and operated on a cloud platform. In addition, SCS provides end customer support to assist the players with the implementation of business processes by telephone and via a ticketing system. A 24/7 on-call service ensures the high availability of the platform.

The Datahub has a measuring point register that is available to partners. The measuring point register maps the status of measuring points and enables the automation of switching processes using so-called shortcuts. This leads to a gain in efficiency in the implementation of switching processes.

The data hub enables efficient and secure communication between the market partners.
The data hub enables efficient and secure communication between the market partners.

Measurement data is routed via the data hub using a single SFTP access per market partner, whereby the data hub is responsible for the correct routing of messages and measurement data.

At the beginning of 2021, over 400 market partners were active on the Swisseldex Datahub and the number is constantly increasing.

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